Added an infected ladder leading in to the upper pipe in the large drain room. Moved a traffic sign that allowed survivors to climb the drooping traffic light prop up to the top of the tunnel entrance. Moved car near the tunnel entrance away from the drooping traffic light, as standing on parts of the car near the traffic signal could put you into a permanently stuck position. Survivors can no longer jump on the generators in the finale area. Closed off a shortcut method to bypass the howitzer event. Left 4 Dead 3 in development, according to former company member Shacknews Left 4 Dead: Survivors coming to Japanese arcades Shacknews Chatty Twitch Highlights 2: Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Surgeon Simulator 2013, Left 4 Dead 2 Shacknews Shack PSA: Left 4 Dead 2 free for Christmas Shacknews Left 4 Dead 3 listing discovered during Valve tour Shacknews Left 4 Dead 2 EMS mods and Linux officially launch Shacknews Pripyat campaign released for Left 4 Dead 2 Shacknews Linux beta builds of Portal, Left 4 Dead 2 now available on Steam Shacknews Zombie Master 2 mod shambles out Shacknews Zombie Master 2 mod shambles out Shacknews Resident Evil 6 & Left 4 Dead 2 cross-over in PC-exclusive collaboration Shacknews Left 4 Dead 2 adds 'Warcelona' campaign, Workshop private beta Shacknews Left 4 Dead 2 celebrates Halloween with free weekend Shacknews Cabin in the Woods DLC for Left 4 Dead 2 once planned Shacknews Steam Workshop coming to Left 4 Dead 2 Shacknews Left 4 Dead 2 adds Cold Stream update, goes on sale Shacknews Steam coming to Linux with Left 4 Dead 2 Shacknews Left 4 Dead 2 Cold Stream DLC coming July 24 Shacknews Payday: No Mercy explains 'how the Left 4 Dead series began' Shacknews Payday dev collaborating with Valve on Left 4 Dead-y thing Shacknews Steam and Source Engine being ported to Linux Shacknews Left 4 Dead partially inspired by bird-flu scare Shacknews Valve offers 'Blood Harvest' in Left 4 Dead 2 as a beta test incentive Shacknews Valve comic book coming in November Shacknews Left 4 Dead 2 'Dead Air' will unlock early Shacknews Left 4 Dead 2 offers early DLC unlock Shacknews Left 4 Dead 2 DLC Announced, Packing L4D Campaigns and New Community Campaign Shacknews Shack PSA: Both Left 4 Deads Bundled for $10.19 on Steam as 'The Sacrifice' DLC Arrives Shacknews Your First, Harrowing Glimpse at Left 4 Dead's Upcoming DLC "The Sacrifice" Shacknews Valve Confirms Left 4 Dead and L4D2 DLC for Oct.- Survivors can no longer leave the map bounds near the riverfront.